A week in the life of … a Yorkshire Sit Stand Desk (my other names are:Height Adjustable Desk ; Sit/Stand Desk ; Standing Desk ; Stand Up Desk ; Electrically Adjustable Desk)
Canoeing in France
Not me! No… that really fit bloke (haha!) who works in the office with me.Great trip – canoeing down the Dordogne in 30 degree sunshine.Alright for some! He’s getting fit while my electric motor goes to sleep.
Been drinking fantastic French wine and eating delicious French food.First trip on the Channel Tunnel. Very user friendly and efficient service. Eight hour drive down to the south of France. Stayed at Bed & Breakfasts & did some wild camping by the river.
Stayed in a spooky twenty six Bedroom Chateau in the Loire Valley and visited the spectacular Palace and gardens at Versaille.
Looking forward to seeing the holiday pics …
Yours sincerely
Sit Stand Desk Yorkshire