A week in the life of … a Sit Stand Desk (my other names are:Height Adjustable Desk ; Sit/Stand Desk ; Standing Desk ; Stand Up Desk ; Electrically Adjustable Desk)
50/50 week this week – my owner used my height raising function this week around 50% of the time.I think he has been considering his fitness more. He needs to I think! looks like he may have put on a few pounds to me!
Been talking to my friend office chair quite a lot this week – mesh back … good looking mesh office chair … in my opinion anyhow.A good match for the office, as I am pretty attractive myself in the height adjustable desk world.Not sure she was made in Yorkshire like me but I won’t hold that against her… ????
New starter in the sales team down the other part of the office, might try & find the latest gossip from my static desk friends next week…
Quite a few of the Yorkshire Office team out for a meal and a drink on Friday in Wakefield town centre – celebrating Chris’s forthcoming wedding.
Signing off for now …