Following on from last week's blog post on office organisation tips, Yorkshire Office Group have come together to give your Dewsbury, Leeds and Wakefield business more tips on how to keep your workplace organised and productive.
5. Organise your emails
Organising emails is as important as organising your desktop files, as mentioned in our last tips. Try creating new folders and subfolders if you tend to get a large amount of emails. It will help you in the future if you need to locate them again. Remember to clear your junk emails too, so that you don’t have to go through junk to find your important emails.
6. Develop a filling system that works for you
There is no right or wrong way to organise your own files. Whether you like to keep folders, use shelves or even binders, keeping your files organised in the same place is extremely beneficial to keeping productive and on top of your work.
7. Keep a note and plan
If you ever need to speak to someone on the phone or have a meeting, make sure to plan as much of it as possible. This means you won’t spend too long talking about the wrong thing and you will get everything you planned sorted quickly and efficiently.
8. Keep up the routine
All things considered, being organised and productive is not about one day of sorting through your things. Make sure to keep everything organised as you get it, and keep on top of incoming emails and work. Maintaining a good routine for organisation will boost your productivity over the long term, and keep your workplace positive and clean.
These are just a few more tips for businesses in Leeds, Huddersfield and West Yorkshire, from Yorkshire Office Group. We specialise in providing unique and functional office furniture to any style of business. If you are in the local area and are looking to upgrade your office furniture then please get in contact on 01924 888 800.Check out part one here.