Yorkshire Office Group have been supplying office desks and office supplies we have learned a thing or two about what needs to be considered when buying new office furniture. Below is a list of six things to keep in mind.
This has to be determined right from the outset. It will ultimately decide the amount and type of furniture you have. Spend a decent amount of time thinking it over, and when you have a budget, stick to it. Yorkshire Office Group have a bespoke office design service and can work around any budget.
This is where you start to think about what kind of office you are trying to build. Do you want it to be light and open plan, an office that will encourage movement and communication? Such offices are popular in creative industries where brainstorming and the exchange of ideas is imperative. Or do you want it to be more quiet, and efficient, a work place that encourages setting goals and smashing them? Think about the needs of your business and we can work toward that.
Flexibility and Functionality
Flexibility and functionality provide value for money. A desk that can provide storage space is better than one that can’t. At the end of the day it is an office, and people are there to work, can they do their job properly with the office furniture you have supplied?
It is a natural human instinct to choose furniture that is in keeping with the size of the premises. A massive open office with a few bits of small furniture will feel cold and isolated. And on the opposite end of the scale a small office with furniture crammed in every nook and cranny will feel overwhelming and will not allow for clear thought.
This massively important for two reasons. The first is your appearance is how your clients and competitors will judge you. It doesn’t matter if you have the best team in the world, if a client walks into a messy, ugly office they will make a judgement on that. Also, your staff will feel better and subsequently work better in a more pleasant environment.
Making sure the office can be cleaned and kept tidy is very important. It ties in to the point above as judgements will be made if the office is dirty and messy. Also, the health of your staff will be at risk if you allow the office to get overly dirty and messy. This could lead to an increase in sick days and a drop off in production.
If you follow these six rules then you won’t go far wrong. Call Yorkshire Office Group on 01924 88 88 00 to learn more.