Blog | Works of art made from office supplies

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Works of art made from office supplies

It is true, art can be made out of absolutely anything, including office supplies. With over seventeen years’ experience in the office furniture and supplies industry, the Yorkshire Office Group marvels at the creative uses for everyday office products.

Here are some of the top artists from around the world that have created stunning pieces of art work using only office supplies:

0.5mm Pencil Lead Sculptures by Peter Trevelyan

You might not think it, but you can actually make fantastic art from just pencil lead. Our office furniture team are surrounded by pencils in our Wakefield-based office, so we were amazed to see Peter Trevelyan create this sculpture. The New Zealand artist created a new approach to pencil-based art with his geometric pencil lead sculptures, which boast intricate structure work made from fine sticks of 0.5mm graphite, designed to be used in mechanical pencils. The sculptor's craftsmanship clearly reflects a love of mathematics resulting in an awe-inspiring collection.

Coloured Pencil Sculptures by Jennifer Maestre

Continuing with the pencil theme, our office furniture team were extremely interested in the sculptures created by Maestre. Her work, which was first inspired by the natural form of the sea urchin, showcase a completely different use for the office supplies we stock at our Wakefield office!

Ephemicropolis by Peter Root

Constructed out of 100,000 staples and covering an approximated floor area of 600x300cm, these staples have been broken into different sizes, varying from 12cm full stacks high to one single staples. Root spent over forty hours painstakingly stacking the staples to create this urban metropolis.

Psychadelic Ball Point Pen Drawings by Shane McAdams’

Using ink extracts from many ball point pens, this Brooklyn-based artist created paintings inspired by the landscapes of America. Fascinated by the way natural elements of wind and rain change and develop the environment, McAdams also leaves much of the creative process behind his works to chance.

Packing Tape Spiderweb Installation by Viennese/Croatian design collective For Use/Numen

Using approximately 100 pounds of packaging tape and nothing else, these artists were able to transform an abandoned attic and a stock exchange building into a spider's cocoon paradise. Typically visitors are prohibited from touching art work, however, in this case the artists welcomed visitors to touch and sit in the piece to experience it like a spider would.

Yorkshire Office Group has extensive experience in the office furniture and supplies industry. Proudly supplying office furniture, office supplies and office storage to a range of businesses in the Wakefield, Leeds, Rotherham and Barnsley areas, we have established a track record in providing a consistently excellent service.

If you are based in Wakefield or in the surrounding Yorkshire area and would like to know more about the office furniture or office supplies Yorkshire Office Group stock please don’t hesitate to contact a member of our friendly team by calling 01924 888800 or via email here.  


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