Blog | 1 million paper sales targets reached

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Yorkshire Office Group, premier office supplies and office furniture providers in Wakefield, is delighted to announce that we have hit the million with paper sales, in another landmark achievement for the growing company.

Sales of A4 paper has broken the 1 million sheets per week barrier after hitting the figure for the first time in July 2014. Reaching the figure has been part of a longer plan from YOG as we looked to increase their output of paper to businesses in Wakefield, Leeds and Sheffield. YOG moved to direct container deliveries of paper into our Wakefield warehouse some 18 months previous and currently sales are some 12 % up on last year.

To give some idea of the size and volume of the paper, Managing Director John Kaye has broken it down into some astonishing figures. He said: “We have 50 pallets x 46 boxes per pallet x 2,500 sheets per box per single delivery = 5.75 million sheets per single delivery into the Wakefield warehouse.”

Chris Tinker, YOG Warehouse Supervisor at our Wakefield head office, has the job of co-ordinating all incoming deliveries & distributing to YOG’s predominantly Yorkshire customer base. Clients that take advantage of this are located all across the region, with short trips to Wakefield and further afield to Leeds, Sheffield and Bradford.

Such is the increase in the paper sales, YOG’s bulk buying & efficient local distribution has resulted in a number of new contracts for YOG recently as we continue to expand the company.

With the increase in paper output, we have the infrastructure in place to meet the demands of many more business and schools within the area. If you use lots of paper, speaking to our team could help you get a package that could be more beneficial and better financially for your company.

Whatever your paper requirements, or if you are in the need of other office supplies and office furniture in Wakefield and Leeds, please do not hesitate to speak to our talented team. For more information call us today on 01924 888800.


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